Latest News


Kick off meeting

The opening meeting of the project took place on October 1, 2020, via telematics due to the health situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite this extraordinary situation, in this meeting, the different members of the consortium were able to have a first contact for the development of the project, also, the obj...


Presentation of LIFE PHOENIX project

Last 19th of November 2020, LIFE PHOENIX project was presented in the LIFE 2019 Welcome Meeting.


Currently working on design of technologies

We are currently working on the design of the technologies for medium-large populations. We already count with the design of the pretreatments such as physic-chemical pretreatment, biofiltration and ultrafiltration. The requirements for each technological plant will be used for the construction of all the equipment nee...


First visit of the NEEMO monitor

The first visit of the NEEMO monitor visit took place the 13th of March 2021. The event was held virtually, instead of visiting the main location of the project.


Second Project Meeting

The last 16th of March 2021 the project consortium met after 6 months since the project start. Project advances and milestones were shared in the meeting. Future works were commented and the first Neemo monitor visit was organized.


1st Workshop of the project: WASTEWATER REGENERATION: New legislation, innovative technologies & success cases

Next 4th of November the 1st Workshop of the LIFE PHOENIX project will take place at the Rectorate of the University o A Coruña (Spain), where we will talk about Wastewater regeneration: new legislation, innovative technologies & success cases.

The session will take place face-to-face from 09.30 to 13.30 CET, moreover, ...


3rd Project Meeting and 1st Workshop of the project

On the 3rd of November 2021 we celebrated our third project meeting where we finally meet each other face-to-face. During the meeting we have reviewed the progress of the project, highlighting the main milestones we have already reached until now and the next steps for the coming months.

Moreover, on the 4th of November...


Technical Seminar – LIFE Phoenix: New challenges of urban wastewater reuse in the province of Almería

The Diputación de Almería, partner of the LIFE Phoenix project, organizes next Friday, May 20, a technical conference that will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Associated Center of the UNED in Almería. For more information and registration click on the link.

The new European Regulation for the use of water...


2nd Monitor visit and 4th Project Meeting

The second NEEMO monitor visit took place on the 19th of May 2022 in Almería. It was the first time, we can visit the main location of the project. Next, this meeting made it possible can remember the main objectives and actions of the LIFE PHOENIX project were recalled, its actual situation as well as the actions we w...

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