Third Phoenix seminar


Third Phoenix seminar

Seminar speakers

The Phoenix project had the honor of being included in the agenda of events held by Aguas de Portugal in the month of February on the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary.

The third seminar of the project, entitled "Technology transfer opportunities in new regulatory frameworks" was held on February 28 in Santarem, Portugal.

Attendees were able to learn about the objectives and evolution of the Phoenix project. The circular economy and biodiversity in sustainable wastewater treatments were also addressed at the seminar. Finally, with a view to the use of WWTP effluents for crop irrigation, the sustainable electrochemical reduction of pollutants of emerging interest as well as pathogens, and cutting-edge ozone technologies for water treatment were discussed.

The seminar culminated with a round table where the opportunity to transfer the different known technologies within the framework of the new regulation was addressed.

Thanks to all the speakers for their contribution Tiago da Cunha Ferrão, Miguel M., Vítor Vilar, Carlos Pires and Melina Antonella Roccamante, to the project partners (Solar Energy Research Center (CIESOL), CETIM Technological Centre, Confederación hidrografica del Guadalquivir, Diputación de Almeria, microLAN bv and Newland EnTech Europe) for their assistance and especially AdP - Águas de Portugal for allowing us to take part in such an important event for them. We take this opportunity to congratulate you on your 30 years of life.