Visit of the students from the course ‘Innovation and Future Challenges in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the European Union


Visit of the students from the course ‘Innovation and Future Challenges in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the European Union

Visit of student of CIESOL course

Today, we received a visit from the students of the fifth edition of the course “Innovation and Future Challenges in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the European Union.” This visit allowed them to get a close look at the facilities and the objectives of the project.

The course is organized by the Solar Energy Research Center (CIESOL) and the Almería Provincial Government, in collaboration with the Higher School of Engineering of the University of Almería. The students learn about the latest innovations and challenges in wastewater treatment.

Francisco Gaona (Head of Maintenance at Aqualia in Almería), María Guadalupe Pinna Hernández (teaching and research staff at UAL), and María José Quero Pastor (Manager of the LIFE PHOENIX project) were responsible for guiding the visit. Researchers Melina Antonella Roccamante, Desiree Cantillo, and Daniel Jesús Ramírez Martín also participated, sharing their knowledge and experiences with the visitors.

This initiative not only strengthens the bond between students and research projects but also inspires new generations to contribute to the search for sustainable solutions for the future.