Seminar on Water Regeneration and Reuse

This week, the final seminar of the PHOENIX project was held in Seville, organized by the Guadalquivir River Basin Authority (CHG), titled “New Challenges in Regeneration and Reuse. Implications of Royal Decree 1085/2024.”
More than a hundred experts, and representatives from public entities and companies in the water sector, gathered to share experiences and their vision on the new regulatory changes and the future of water management.
The president of CHG, Joaquín Páez Landa, inaugurated the event, highlighting the organization’s work in protecting the Public Hydraulic Domain and its participation in innovative projects like PHOENIX.
Among the topics discussed were:
The capacity of the PHOENIX project to convert wastewater into a valuable resource for agricultural irrigation, presented by Zouhayr Arbib, Head of the Sustainability Area of the Innovation and Technology Department at Aqualia.
The details of Royal Decree 1085/2024 and its requirements for water reuse, explained by Mª Agustina López Martín, Deputy Director General of Water Protection and Risk Management at the Directorate General for Water.
• The health implications of water reuse, presented by Ulises Ameyugo Catalán, Deputy Director of Health Protection, and Rafael Sánchez Trujillo, Head of the Plant Health Service.
• The challenges of regeneration and reuse in Almería, addressed by Javier Martínez Rodríguez, Head of the Hydraulic Cycle Exploitation Section of the Hydraulic Infrastructure Service of the Almería Provincial Government.
• The processing of administrative titles in the Guadalquivir Basin, presented by Alejandro Rodríguez González, Water Commissioner of the CHG.
We appreciate the valuable contributions of all the speakers and project partners, especially the Guadalquivir River Basin Authority, which made this seminar possible.