Latest News


Seminar on Water Regeneration and Reuse

This week, the final seminar of the PHOENIX project was held in Seville, organized by the Guadalquivir River Basin Authority (CHG), titled “New Challenges in Regeneration and Reuse. Implications of Royal Decree 1085/2024.”

More than a hundred experts, and representatives from public entities and companies in the water s...


Final event of Phoenix project

On February 26th, the final event of the European project LIFE PHOENIX will be held in Almería. The event agenda and registration form are available at this link ( for all interested parties. We look forward to your attendance.


Last stop: Portugal

PHOENIX is about to conclude. After the implementation and validation at the El Toyo WWTP in Almería, part of these works have been replicated in the Médio Tejo region, at the Fonte Quente wastewater treatment plant in Abrantes, Portugal.

The technologies installed in Abrantes were selected based on the results obtained...


Visit of the students from the course ‘Innovation and Future Challenges in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the European Union

Today, we received a visit from the students of the fifth edition of the course “Innovation and Future Challenges in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the European Union.” This visit allowed them to get a close look at the facilities and the objectives of the project.

The course is organized by the Solar Energy Research...


IWA DDBP Congress in Almería

On October 21st, the fourth International Conference on Disinfection and Disinfection Byproducts (IWA DDBP Almeria) was held in Almería, an event promoted by the IWA, where all topics related to disinfection are discussed.

Water professionals from around the world attended the event to share their experience and innovat...


Phoenix faces its final stretch

PHOENIX, a pioneer in water regeneration for agricultural use, is in its final stretch. The technology validation process is being completed with very good results, always in accordance with the minimum requirements established in Regulation 741/2020, for the reuse of water intended for agricultural irrigation.

The tech...


A lot of visits in the last 12 moths

In the last 12 months we have received many visits from students, among which we highlight:

In the months of July and September 2023 we had visits from students of two courses: "Industrial processes based on microalgae" and another training course organized by the DIGITALGAESATION project, both organized by Professor Ga...


AEDYR Congress in Granada

Phoenix was presented, on the 13th of last June, at the Congress, XIII International Congress AEDyR organized by AEDyR in Granada. AEDYR is the Spanish Association for desalination and water reuse. The different technical solutions for the regeneration of wastewater for agricultural use that make up this project were p...


Participation in the EWA webinar: “Water reuse: challenges and opportunities in Europe”

The European Water Association (EWA) organized a webinar on "Water reuse: challenges and opportunities in Europe" on April 18. The aim was to provide information on the current landscape in water reuse in Europe, including countries that accept or not reuse and existing legislation. Furthermore, it highlighted best pra...


Third Phoenix seminar

The Phoenix project had the honor of being included in the agenda of events held by Aguas de Portugal in the month of February on the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary.

The third seminar of the project, entitled "Technology transfer opportunities in new regulatory frameworks" was held on February 28 in Santarem, Por...


Funding details:

Funding: LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency

Organism: European Commision (EC)


Grant: Subsidy of 55% budget

Total funding received: 1.855.113€

With the contribution of the European Union LIFE programme LIFE19 ENV/ES/000278

This website reflects only the Consortium’s view. The European Commission is not
responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project funded by