6th project meeting Duplicate 1


Phoenix faces its final stretch

Imagen sexta reunión

Phoenix validation process, one of the pioneering research projects in water reclamation for agricultural use, is in its final stages. The validation has been carried out according to Regulation 741/2020 on minimum requirements for the reuse of water for agricultural irrigation.

The technologies have been validated individually and in combination testing various combinations at the El Toyo WWTP. Currently, some technologies are being installed and validated at other WWTPs in Toledo and Portugal.

The validated process results are being treated. These are the parameters required by the new Regulation as well as other parameters that are being studied in the project (microplastics, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, toxicity, CECs, among others). These will be published in the immediate future.

In addition, the evaluation of existing reclamation facilities with tertiary treatment in the province of Almeria to determine their capacity to meet and adapt to the new and more demanding quality standards of Regulation 2020/741 has been developed. Phoenix will continue to work to achieve all its objetives until the end of February 2025