
About the life phoenix project

LIFE Phoenix will develop innovative urban wastewater reclamation solutions for agricultural use for all types of WWTPs. For this purpose, a demonstration plant will be designed with more than 12 different technologies based on a flexible multi-barrier concept. The demonstration plant will be validated at different locations. The implementation of a diagnostic tool (DSS) will allow selecting the best combination of technologies for each case.



Pilot Plants

The flexible pilot plants (FPP) of the Life Phoenix project have been designed considering both medium to large populations as well as small populations. Thus, each case study is developed in different locations:



The project also includes a replicability analysis. For this analysis, wastewater reuse in the province of Almeria will be study. This activity will not only provide information of the local incidence of wastewater reuse, but valuable data to be extrapolated to the EU. Several WWTRP will be evaluated among them El Bobar WWRTP, El Toyo WWRTP or Pulpí WWRTP to name a few.



Better use of natural resources

Installation of LIFE PHOENIX technologies in a WWTP means the reduction of the effluents thanks to the agricultural use of reclaimed water. Therefore, fresh water consumption for irrigation would decrease, relieving stress over this natural resource. Furthermore, nutrient recovery technologies would lead to the change of conventional fertilizers to more sustainable options, minimizing associated contamination.

High quality reclaimed water

LIFE PHOENIX project produces reclaimed water for agricultural use, meeting the new European Directive 2020/741. The project also aims to reduce the concentration of contaminants of emergent concern in water, as well as microplastics. That way, LIFE PHOENIX ensures the production of high-quality water, safe for human health and for the environment.

Sustainable production of reclaimed water

Reduction of energy demand of tertiary treatments is guaranteed by the optimization of technologies and by the adaptation of the solutions in each case. This would lead to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the reduction of costs and resources would ensure the replicability of the projec




Solutions for wastewater tertiary treatment

To develop and test flexible pilot plants based on new multibarrier treatments for water reuse, meeting the new WWR-EU.

To minimize environmental and health risks ofreclaimed wate ruse, while ensuring its quality.

To reduce the OPEX oftertiary treatmet.



Diagnosis of current tertiary treatments

To study of the incidence of water reuse in WWTP in Almeria, regarding WWREU.

To develop a decision support system (DSS) and a sustainability tool to ensure the adaptation to each specific case.



Fertirrigation trials

Intelligent irrigation using reclaimed water.

To test fertilizers obtained in nutrient recovery process.


LIFE PHOENIX´s numbers

  • Better use of natural resources:
  • Reduction of treated water effluents 135.800 m3/year
  • Fresh water consumption reduction 135.800 m3/year
  • Non-conventional fertilizers use 900 kg/year
  • High-quality reclaimed water:
  • <1 mg/m3 antibiotics
  • <1 µg/m3 oestrogen
  • <30 µg/m3 pesticides
  • <10 particles microplasticss/m3
  • Reduction 4log E.coli
  • Reduction 4log Coliphages
  • Reduction 5log Spores of Clostridium
  • Reclaimed water sustainable production:
  • >50% reduction greenhouse gases
  • >50% reduction energy








Funding details:

Funding: LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency

Organism: European Commision (EC)


Grant: Subsidy of 55% budget

Total funding received: 1.855.113€

With the contribution of the European Union LIFE programme LIFE19 ENV/ES/000278

This website reflects only the Consortium’s view. The European Commission is not
responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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