Visit of the provincial government


Visit of the provincial government

Imagen sexta reunión

The Special Deputy Delegate for Sustainability and Natural Environment, María Luisa Cruz Escudero, and the Special Deputy Delegate for European Fundraising and Entrepreneurship, José Juan Martínez Pérez visited the LIFEPHOENIX project on 3 October.
The purpose of this visit was to know the different innovative and sustainable multi-barrier treatments for the agricultural reuse of wastewater, which are part of the project, and to share concerns about it.

The provincial government (DIPALME), as a project partner, brings its experience in the management of conventional and non-conventional water resources in the province as well as in the operation of wastewater treatment plants and the use of reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation in the province of Almeria.
The visit was conducted by the project director and Head of the Sustainability area of Aqualia's Innovation and Technology Department, Dr. Zouhayr Arbib, together with the rest of the colleagues attending the visit; Sergio Pérez-Muelas Baeza, Antonio Amazares Guisado, Javier Martinez Rodríguez, Isabel Rodríguez Ruano, Carmen Escámez, Melina Antonella Roccamante, David Fernando Marín De Jesus and María José Quero Pastor.