Phoenix faces its final stretch


Phoenix faces its final stretch

Phoenix aerial view

PHOENIX, a pioneer in water regeneration for agricultural use, is in its final stretch. The technology validation process is being completed with very good results, always in accordance with the minimum requirements established in Regulation 741/2020, for the reuse of water intended for agricultural irrigation.

The technologies have been validated individually and combined at El Toyo WWTP. Almost all possible combinations offered by its different technologies have been tested. In this last phase, the installation and validation of some of the technologies is also being carried out in other WWTPs in Toledo and Portugal.

The treatment under the parameters required by the new regulation, in addition to those studied in the project (microplastics, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, toxicity, CECs among others) is being carried out so that the results can be published very soonP, contributing to improving the options for converting wastewater into a resource of great value.

Finally, the evaluation of the existing regeneration facilities with tertiary treatment in the province of Almería has been completed. This work allows you to know your ability to comply and/or adapt to the new quality standards of Regulation 741/2020, which are more demanding than the previous ones.

PHOENIX will continue working to achieve all its goals until the end of February 2025.