1st Seminar of DIPALME

The LIFE PHOENIX Project held, on May 20, a new training event for experts, engineers, technicians, and irrigators on the reuse of reclaimed water for its use in agricultural irrigation.
The conference was entitled “New challenges of the regeneration of urban wastewater in the province of Almería” and took place at the headquarters of the UNED in Almería.
The provincial deputy Carmen Navarro and the councillor of Environmental Sustainability of the capital, Margarita Cobos, welcomed the participants to this session. This activity is part of the international project in which Aqualia, the Diputacion of Almeria (provincial council), Aguas de Portugal, Cetim, the Hydrographic Confederation of the Guadalquivir, Newland, Ciesol of the UAL and Microlan take part.
The day began with a presentation that analysed in detail the new European Regulation for water reuse, after which the main lines of work developed within the Project were presented. Finally, a round table was held about urban wastewater reuse.